Sunday 27 August 2017

21st Sunday of year A - thoughts for reflection

In Bunbon, seeing chief, met elders, giving money, allowed...
- First reading and Gospel: steward = handed the key - authority on the gates.
* first reading: '... Place on his shoulder the key of the house of David (king). Tradition: stewards wearing keys on the shoulders... = authority!
* Gospel: 'I give u the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven'!
=> talk about confession - reconciliation -
- keys - authority: negative feelings, barrier blocking our ways... disturbed, annoyed .... (Feeling when seeing the elders ...)
=> But God knows how weak and wicked we are:
- wicked: make mistakes, do stupid things, commit sins all the times
- weak: we may feel guilty, be disappointed because of our guilt and go astray, destroy ourselves...
so as he has prepared for us proper and wonderful remedies! Reconciliation, forgiveness, ...
- To avoid negative consequences of sins:
* sad story: father saw his little son hammering his brand new car, angry, hammered his son's palm. Hospital -removed fingers - sorry! The son asked when my fingers grow again -> the father committed suicide!
 Feeling guilty... Many many cases...
~but when I Read an article:

"Of the nearly 7,000 Catholic women who went to Mass more than once a week, none committed suicide. Overall, practicing Protestant women were seven times more likely to commit suicide than their Catholic counterparts, suggesting there really is a Catholic advantage. Indeed, my 2015 book, The Catholic Advantage, substantiates this finding."

Those who went to church at the age of 12 less likely to commit suicide than orthers, especially atheists, who are the most at risk!

Not discriminate, but Based on facts from scientific study: 40 books, researches in 200 years.
=> God has foreseen and provided us in Catholic Church a treasure of sacraments, especially the healing sacrament: God knows how weak and wicked we are:
- wicked: by making mistakes, doing stupid things, committing sins all the times, we wound others and ourselves.
- weak: we may feel guilty, be disappointed because of our guilt and go astray, destroy ourselves...
so as he has prepared for us proper and wonderful remedies to heal us, to reconcile us with...! Confession, Reconciliation, forgiveness, ...
- To acquire positive effects:
 - live stories:
1. Went for retreat, alighted, not brushed my teeth, not bathed (2 days), met our mates at Language Centre. Others hugged, greeted, laughed, talked, ... But me! What happened? - fine, hjhj! Left for my room, regretting not enjoying that moment. => entered the retreat, not talked, left without talking to them!
- God knows life is not easy, among this lonely world, we need some moments of joyfulness, of closeness, He has prepared a ways for us to help us to celebrate the closeness, love, salvation of the Lord for ourselves now and forever!
2. ...
- Once we reconcile with God we become closer to God than ever before we sinned against him.
* Example of a rope being cut and rejoined
=> Happy fault! Understand God more, feel his love more through his forgiveness, love him more: happy fault's meaning!

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